CAFÉ Survey
At Leatherhead Community Hub, we want to create a safe and welcoming space for the North Leatherhead community. A year after opening, we asked people visiting the Old Schoolhouse Café what they thought. Here's what we found out:
What our customers say
All agree that there is a strong sense of community and like the look and feel of the place. 99% find the staff and volunteers friendly and that the café is affordable for them and their family. 96% think there is a good choice of food and drink while 94% agree that it is accessible by foot and by car.
When and why they visit
Nearly half (47%) visit the café more than once a week. The average number of visits per month is 6.4. A quarter first visited the café within the last 6 months. Nearly three quarters of café customers (73%) had attended one or more other activities at the Leatherhead Community Hub, including The Hive (41%), Advice Café and Community Fridge (31%), and Foodbank (24%).
Who they are
70% of our customers live in the local KT22 postcode. They include a diverse mix of ages that is representative of the local population.
Around two-thirds of people had heard about LCH by word-of-mouth. Others had heard about us by walking past, social media, or from leaflets and newsletters.